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Sometime, 1400 Years ago

This story is one of the rare instances where being pushed to the limit and expressing anger was justified by Allah SWT, even when...

Post Nysc Clarity and Depression

https://youtu.be/BJh2C2Ru5AU?si=NmUFsnUUEWQkJTSQ Post NYSC Clarity and Depression Is Real and it’s going to hit some of us real hard During this time, you’ll confront the harsh reality...

A movie by Lowliett George: Daylight Hunters

The more books I read, the more knowledge I have of mundane activities. The same has happened with this book. From friendships blossoming into...

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Sometime, 1400 Years ago

This story is one of the rare instances where being pushed to the limit and expressing anger was justified by Allah SWT, even when...

Post Nysc Clarity and Depression

https://youtu.be/BJh2C2Ru5AU?si=NmUFsnUUEWQkJTSQ Post NYSC Clarity and Depression Is Real and it’s going to hit some of us real hard During this time, you’ll confront the harsh reality...

A movie by Lowliett George: Daylight Hunters

The more books I read, the more knowledge I have of mundane activities. The same has happened with this book. From friendships blossoming into...