8 Alarming Signs He’s Not Over His Ex

Suspecting that your man isn’t over his ex is a painful situation to find yourself in. 

It’s really unfair because you’re giving your love, care and attention, but he’s still emotionally attached to someone else. 

That can hurt, and hurt real bad. It can suppress your self esteem and make you feel as if you’re not good enough. 

His words and actions WILL not be genuine since his heart is still with his ex. 

That’s why it’s crucial to recognize these signs to determine if he’s still hung up on his past relationship or not, allowing you to make an informed decision in your best interest.

8 Alarming Signs He’s Not Over His Ex

1) He Still Talks to Her

Don’t make the mistake of letting your man convince you that staying in contact with his ex means nothing to him.

No matter what anyone says, it’s just not right for exes to be in regular (active) contact. What would you need them for anyways? 

They might be on good terms, but they shouldn’t actively engage with each other. 

Sharing reels on instagram, liking each other’s pictures, streaking on Snapchat or having long phone calls is inappropriate. 

These two had a past relationship, possibly intense and intimate, and it’s naive to believe they can be trusted together again. If a man and woman are involved, there’s always a third, and it’s the devil!

Even if there are no lingering feelings, there’s always a risk they might reconnect which is why It’s best for them to keep a distance. 

If your boyfriend is constantly communicating with his ex, talk to him. If he doesn’t listen, please respect yourself enough to set clear boundaries. He still loves her. 

2) He Talks About Her Often

Do you agree that we often think and talk about the things we love the most? 

If so, you’ll realize that if your boyfriend keeps mentioning his ex, recalling wonderful memories and sharing random thoughts about her, even when it’s inappropriate, it means he’s still fixated on her. 

This could also suggest they are still in contact.

We tend to talk most about what the things that occupy our minds. Work, kids, hobbies etc. If you think about it, these are the sort of things that tend to populate our conversations with people.

Conversely, if we haven’t been in touch with someone or something for a long time, we rarely bring them up. 

So, if he talks about her often, it might indicate they’re still in contact and he misses her. 

3) He Compares You to Her in a Way That Paints a Positive Picture about Her

Have you ever argued with your boyfriend, only to hear him compare you to his ex? 

Comments like, “My ex would never do this,” or “My ex used to do that for me and you dont,” can indicate he still has feelings for her. 

When we move on and find true love, we tend to forget about our exes. 


We may remember them here and there, but that’s about it, no true connection! 

The new person becomes our safe space and the one we long for. 

But if we haven’t moved on, we often compare the new partner to our ex in our minds. 

And when you hear slip up like the one we mentioned above, it’s a clear indication of what’s really going on in his head.

4) He Engages With Her on Social Media

It’s a clear sign that your boyfriend is still hung up on his ex if he’s actively engaging with her on social media. 

Pay attention if he comments on her new tweets and if they are replying back and forth. Notice if he’s liking a lot of her pictures or retweeting many of her posts. 

If you see him constantly interacting with her online, it’s a strong indication that he hasn’t moved on. 

When we want to move on from something we believe is bad for us, we tend to stay away from it rather than reopen old wounds by engaging with it. No matter how difficult it is for us. 

Frequent appearances of her tweets in his feed and his ongoing interactions with her are true signs that he’s still fixated on her matter. 

5) Keeps Memorabilia

It wouldn’t be a big deal if he received something as a gift and kept it tucked away in a cupboard or his car, without going back to it, or maybe just occasionally remembering and reminiscing the good moments.  

It’s fine to keep memories. And everyone should! It’s a way to remind ourselves of the dynamic nature of life. 

However, if you notice he constantly wears a ring, necklace, or amulet from his ex, and seems so possessive about them, it can be a sign of obsession and not wanting to let go of the past. 

He may want to keep being reminded of his ex. It’s important to talk to him about this. 

The best way to forget the past is to stop constantly reminding ourselves of it. This means putting away memorabilia and maintaining distance from that person. 

If your boyfriend isn’t doing that, then I’m sorry to say, he has no intention, whatsoever, to let go of his ex. 

6) Shows Strong Emotional Reaction When She’s Mentioned or Seen

Does your boyfriend react strongly when his ex is mentioned or seen? 

This can be a strong indication of whether or not he’s still attached to her. 

Does he show interest in conversations about her, or is he indifferent? 

Does his expression change when he hears about her dating someone or hanging out with others? 

These reactions can give you insight into whether he still has unresolved feelings for her.

7) He “Accidentally” Calls You by His Ex’s Name

Accidents happen, and it’s normal. If you’ve been in a deep relationship before, you might occasionally slip and call your current partner by your ex’s name.

However, if it happens occasionally, it could indicate that your partner is still thinking about their ex. 

This repeated mistake might also suggest they are still in contact with their ex since we are reminded of things that “occupy” our minds. In such cases, you may want to consider your next steps.

8) He Makes “Relationship” Comments or Posts That You Know “Darn” Well Aren’t Referring to You

Here’s an interesting and often accurate sign: Have you ever noticed your partner posting things that seem like direct attacks towards you, even though you haven’t had any fights with him? 

You know these posts aren’t about you. 

When you confront him, he says he posted them randomly, but you know he’s lying. 

This can indicate someone else in his life. If you suspect it’s his ex, these posts about forgiveness, staying away from people, or dealing with toxicity might be directed at her, not you. 


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