Never Have I Ever: 200 Questions to Spark Laughter, Secrets, and Surprises

Never Have I Ever, a classic party game, is more than just a way to loosen inhibitions with a sip of your beverage.

It’s a gateway to uncovering hidden experiences, fostering connections, and creating hilarious shared moments.

Whether you’re with old friends, new acquaintances, or a curious mix of both, Never Have I Ever injects a dose of fun and revelation into any gathering.

This ultimate list provides 200 questions, categorized for easy navigation:

Lighthearted & Fun (50 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever gotten lost in a museum.
  2. Never have I ever broken a bone.
  3. Never have I ever sung karaoke in front of strangers.
  4. Never have I ever aced a test I completely forgot about studying for.
  5. Never have I ever gotten tangled in Christmas lights.
  6. Never have I ever talked in my sleep. (This one’s a classic!)
  7. Never have I ever accidentally used the wrong restroom.
  8. Never have I ever gotten a haircut so bad I regretted it instantly.
  9. Never have I ever worn mismatched socks on purpose.
  10. Never have I ever pretended to be sick to get out of school.

Food & Travel (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever tried escargot.
  2. Never have I ever eaten an entire pizza by myself.
  3. Never have I ever cooked a meal that turned out to be a complete disaster.
  4. Never have I ever been on a blind date.
  5. Never have I ever traveled to another country alone.
  6. Never have I ever gotten lost on a hike.
  7. Never have I ever eaten something so spicy I cried.
  8. Never have I ever been on a road trip that went horribly wrong. (Stories welcome!)
  9. Never have I ever tried a food I absolutely hated based on its appearance.
  10. Never have I ever camped in the wilderness.

Work & School (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever fallen asleep during a meeting.
  2. Never have I ever gotten a perfect score on a homework assignment.
  3. Never have I ever pulled an all-nighter to finish a project.
  4. Never have I ever accidentally sent a work email to the wrong person.
  5. Never have I ever hated my boss (or teacher) so much I dreamt of quitting (or dropping out).
  6. Never have I ever gotten detention in school.
  7. Never have I ever aced a job interview while feeling completely unprepared.
  8. Never have I ever procrastinated on a deadline until the very last minute.
  9. Never have I ever lied on my resume.
  10. Never have I ever sung along to a song I didn’t know the lyrics to during a work karaoke night.

Pop Culture & Entertainment (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever binge-watched an entire season of a TV show in one day.
  2. Never have I ever cried during a movie.
  3. Never have I ever been to a concert and not known all the words to the songs.
  4. Never have I ever pretended to be a bigger fan of a band or artist than I actually was to impress someone.
  5. Never have I ever dressed up as a fictional character for Halloween and gotten unrecognizable.
  6. Never have I ever read a book so good I stayed up all night to finish it.
  7. Never have I ever faked understanding a reference no one else seemed to get.
  8. Never have I ever finished a book and realized I completely missed the point.
  9. Never have I ever spent way too much money on a concert ticket.
  10. Never have I ever fallen asleep while reading.

Slightly Daring (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever lied about my age.
  2. Never have I ever dyed my hair an unconventional color. (Think purple, green, or bright blue!)
  3. Never have I ever gotten a piercing in a place my parents wouldn’t approve of.
  4. Never have I ever sung karaoke so badly people stopped to watch.
  5. Never have I ever accidentally set off the fire alarm while cooking.
  6. Never have I ever gotten a speeding ticket.
  7. Never have I ever accidentally sent a flirty text to the wrong person. (Yikes
  1. Never have I ever told a white lie to get out of an awkward situation.
  2. Never have I ever gotten stuck in an elevator.
  3. Never have I ever faked being sick to get out of work or school, only to run into someone who knows I’m lying.

Relationships & Dating (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever been ghosted by someone I was dating.
  2. Never have I ever broken up with someone over text.
  3. Never have I ever been on a date so bad I wanted to crawl under the table.
  4. Never have I ever been in a long-distance relationship.
  5. Never have I ever secretly liked someone’s friend.
  6. Never have I ever lied about my relationship status.
  7. Never have I ever fallen asleep while video chatting with someone I liked.
  8. Never have I ever gone on a date set up by a friend or family member that ended in disaster.
  9. Never have I ever accidentally swiped left on someone I actually found attractive on a dating app.
  10. Never have I ever been stood up on a date.

Childhood & Family (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever gotten in trouble with the principal at school.
  2. Never have I ever believed in Santa Claus way past the age I should have.
  3. Never have I ever hidden a bad report card from my parents.
  4. Never have I ever gotten into a fight with my sibling(s) that escalated way too far.
  5. Never have I ever accidentally broken something valuable belonging to a parent.
  6. Never have I ever snuck out of the house past my curfew.
  7. Never have I ever dyed my hair with something unconventional at home (think Kool-Aid!).
  8. Never have I ever pretended to be sick to avoid a family gathering.
  9. Never have I ever gotten lost in a department store as a child.
  10. Never have I ever wished for a different family growing up.

Would You Rather? (25 Questions):

These questions can be used as conversation starters or alternatives to Never Have I Ever statements.

  1. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?
  2. Would you rather win the lottery but have to share it with a stranger or win a smaller amount and keep it all for yourself?
  3. Would you rather be able to control the weather or talk to animals?
  4. Would you rather have the ability to read minds or see the future?
  5. Would you rather travel back in time or be able to teleport to any location in the present day?

(Feel free to pause the game here and come up with your own Would You Rather questions!)

Never Have I Ever – Deep End (25 Questions):

Be mindful of the group dynamic when venturing into these more personal questions.

  1. Never have I ever felt like I don’t belong.
  2. Never have I ever questioned my sexuality.
  3. Never have I ever experienced a major loss that left me heartbroken.
  4. Never have I ever felt completely alone in the world.
  5. Never have I ever had a dream that felt so real it scared me.

Never Have I Ever – Secrets & Confessions (25 Questions):

These questions are best suited for close friends or those seeking a deeper connection.

  1. Never have I ever held a grudge for something someone did years ago.
  2. Never have I ever lied about something major to protect someone I cared about.
  3. Never have I ever felt like I disappointed the people who love me most.
  4. Never have I ever had a secret talent I’ve never shared with anyone.
  5. Never have I ever cheated on a test (or a significant other!).

Never Have I Ever – Fears & Phobias (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever been afraid of the dark.
  2. Never have I ever had a recurring nightmare that terrifies me.
  3. Never have I ever been so scared I froze in a situation.
  4. Never have I ever been to a place that gave me the creeps.
  5. Never have I ever had a close call with a dangerous animal.

Bonus Round: Never Have I Ever (continued)

  1. Never have I ever wished I could be a different person.
  2. Never have I ever felt completely overwhelmed by stress.
  3. Never have I ever had a hobby or passion I eventually gave up on.
  4. Never have I ever traveled to a place that lived up to (or exceeded) all my expectations.
  5. Never have I ever learned a valuable life lesson the hard way.

Never Have I Ever – Hypotheticals (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever won the lottery.
  2. Never have I ever gone skydiving or bungee jumping.
  3. Never have I ever been on a reality TV show.
  4. Never have I ever met a celebrity in person.
  5. Never have I ever written a song or poem.

Never Have I Ever – Abilities & Accomplishments (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever aced a public speaking presentation.
  2. Never have I ever played a musical instrument at a professional level.
  3. Never have I ever spoken a foreign language fluently.
  4. Never have I ever written a book or short story that got published.
  5. Never have I ever painted or created a piece of art that I’m truly proud of.

Never Have I Ever – Food & Drink (continued) (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever tried a food so strange I couldn’t finish it.
  2. Never have I ever cooked a gourmet meal from scratch that turned out perfectly.
  3. Never have I ever spilled a drink all over myself in public.
  4. Never have I ever eaten something past its expiration date (and lived to tell the tale!).
  5. Never have I ever gotten food poisoning.

Never Have I Ever – Fictional Worlds (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever wished I could live in a fictional world (think Harry Potter, Middle Earth, etc.).
  2. Never have I ever dreamt about being a superhero or having a magical ability.
  3. Never have I ever finished a book or movie series and felt genuinely sad it was over.
  4. Never have I ever stayed up all night reading a fantasy novel.
  5. Never have I ever dressed up as a character from a book, movie, or video game for cosplay.

Never Have I Ever – Past & Regrets (25 Questions):

Be mindful of the group dynamic when venturing into these questions.

  1. Never have I ever made a decision I deeply regret.
  2. Never have I ever wished I could go back and change something in my past. 118. Never have I ever missed out on an opportunity because I was too afraid to take it.
  3. Never have I ever let someone down in a major way.
  4. Never have I ever broken a promise to someone important to me.

Never Have I Ever – Hopes & Dreams (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever dreamt of traveling the world.
  2. Never have I ever secretly wished for something I knew was impossible.
  3. Never have I ever given up on a dream I truly believed in.
  4. Never have I ever felt lost and unsure of what the future holds.
  5. Never have I ever envisioned myself achieving great things someday.

Never Have I Ever – Tech & Social Media (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever spent an entire day scrolling through social media.
  2. Never have I ever accidentally posted something embarrassing online.
  3. Never have I ever gotten into a heated argument with someone online.
  4. Never have I ever felt like social media makes me compare myself to others in a negative way.
  5. Never have I ever taken a digital detox and completely disconnected from social media for a while.

Never Have I Ever – Free Time & Hobbies (continued) (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever spent an entire weekend marathon-watching a TV show.
  2. Never have I ever picked up a new hobby and then completely abandoned it after a short while.
  3. Never have I ever gotten so engrossed in a book that I lost track of time.
  4. Never have I ever spent way too much money on a single video game.
  5. Never have I ever painted, drawn, or sculpted something and been truly impressed with my own creativity.

Never Have I Ever – Embarrassing Moments (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever tripped and fallen in public. (A classic for a reason!)
  2. Never have I ever accidentally called someone by the wrong name.
  3. Never have I ever walked into a room and forgotten why I was there.
  4. Never have I ever sung along to a song out loud, only to realize later the lyrics were completely wrong.
  5. Never have I ever gotten stuck in an awkward silence during a date.

Never Have I Ever – Fashion & Beauty (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever gotten a haircut that I absolutely hated.
  2. Never have I ever dyed my hair an unconventional color (think pink, purple, or bright blue!).
  3. Never have I ever worn something completely out of style in public.
  4. Never have I ever spent way too much money on a single item of clothing.
  5. Never have I ever gone clothes shopping and hated everything I tried on.

Never Have I Ever – Beliefs & Values (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever questioned my religious beliefs.
  2. Never have I ever stood up for something I believed in, even if it meant going against the crowd.
  3. Never have I ever changed my mind about a strongly held opinion.
  4. Never have I ever volunteered my time or donated to a cause I care about.
  5. Never have I ever felt lost and unsure of what my core values are.

Never Have I Ever – Controversial Opinions (25 Questions):

Be sure to tread carefully with these questions, especially in larger groups that may have diverse viewpoints.

  1. Never have I ever disliked a movie or TV show that everyone else seems to love.
  2. Never have I ever rooted for the villain in a movie or book.
  3. Never have I ever hated a popular song or music genre.
  4. Never have I ever enjoyed a food that most people find gross. (Think durian or stinky tofu!)
  5. Never have I ever disagreed with a popular opinion on a social or political issue.

Never Have I Ever – College & University (25 Questions):

Modify these questions if your group hasn’t reached college age.

  1. Never have I ever pulled an all-nighter studying for an exam.
  2. Never have I ever skipped a class to go do something else.
  3. Never have I ever lived in a dorm room and hated it.
  4. Never have I ever changed my major in college.
  5. Never have I ever procrastinated on a college assignment until the very last minute.

Never Have I Ever – Work & Career (continued) (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever hated my job so much I dreamt of quitting.
  2. Never have I ever gotten into a heated argument with a coworker.
  3. Never have I ever felt burnt out from work.
  4. Never have I ever daydreamed about quitting my job and pursuing a completely different career path.
  5. Never have I ever accidentally sent a work email to the wrong person (and it contained something embarrassing!).

Never Have I Ever – Hypothetical Situations (continued) (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever won the lottery.
  2. Never have I ever traveled to space.
  3. Never have I ever met a historical figure in person.
  4. Never have I ever had a chance encounter with a celebrity.
  5. Never have I ever narrowly escaped a dangerous situation.

Never Have I Ever – Relationships & Dating (continued) (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever been in a long-distance relationship that didn’t work out.
  2. Never have I ever fallen for someone who wasn’t available (emotionally or otherwise).
  3. Never have I ever ghosted someone after a date.
  4. Never have I ever been stood up on a date.
  5. Never have I ever secretly liked a friend’s ex.

Never Have I Ever – Odd Jobs & Experiences (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever had a job that was incredibly strange or unusual.
  2. Never have I ever traveled to a place most people wouldn’t consider a tourist destination.
  3. Never have I ever tried a food that looked absolutely disgusting but tasted surprisingly good.
  4. Never have I ever witnessed something strange or unexplained that I still can’t explain to this day.
  5. Never have I ever gotten lost somewhere with no cell service.

Never Have I Ever – Pop Culture & Entertainment (continued) (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever faked liking a movie or TV show to impress someone.
  2. Never have I ever finished a book or series finale and felt completely disappointed with the ending.
  3. Never have I ever spent an obscene amount of money on concert tickets or merchandise.
  4. Never have I ever been to a concert and not known all the words to the songs.
  5. Never have I ever fangirled/fanboyed so hard over a celebrity that I embarrassed myself.

Never Have I Ever – Philosophical (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever questioned the meaning of life.
  2. Never have I ever felt a deep connection to nature.
  3. Never have I ever believed in a conspiracy theory.
  4. Never have I ever had an out-of-body experience or a strange dream that felt real.
  5. Never have I ever felt a sense of deja vu (the feeling of having already experienced something).

Never Have I Ever – Would You Rather? (continued) (25 Questions):

  1. Would you rather be able to travel anywhere in the world instantly or have the ability to speak to animals?
  2. Would you rather win an Olympic gold medal or write a groundbreaking novel that changes the world?
  3. Would you rather have the power to control the weather or be invisible for a day?
  4. Would you rather be able to read minds or see the future one year from now?
  5. Would you rather have perfect health but an average lifespan or live to be 150 years old but experience some health problems?

Never Have I Ever – Just for Fun (25 Questions):

  1. Never have I ever broken a bone while doing something incredibly stupid.
  2. Never have I ever gotten scared by something silly in a horror movie.
  3. Never have I ever laughed so hard my stomach hurt.

**Bonus: Feel free to create your own Never Have I Ever statements! Tailor them to your interests, the hobbies of the people you’re playing with, or even current events.

Playing Tips:

  • Keep a stack of cups or other tokens for players to use.
  • Start with lighthearted questions and gradually move towards more revealing ones as the game progresses and players become more comfortable.
  • If someone isn’t comfortable answering a question, they can simply put down a cup or token without explanation and move on to the next round.
  • The goal is to have fun and learn more about the people you’re playing with, so maintain a lighthearted and inclusive atmosphere.

With this list of 200 Never Have I Ever questions, you’re guaranteed to have a night filled with laughter, unexpected revelations, and a deeper connection with your friends and loved ones.


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